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Monday 5.45pm & 7pm 

Flow & Restore Yoga with Agustina


Wednesday 6PM  

Yin Yoga with Petra

Classes run on a term by term basis with term passes or casual classes.
Classes are small with a maximum of 10 students.
Contact details to book are below.

Yoga Classes: Text



A combination of dynamic flowing sequences and restorative asana.

The classes offer a practice to welcome the week with movement,  creating space and finding ease in the body, working towards slowing down the mind and restoring the nervous system.

Some yoga experience is recommended but not essential.

Casual Class $23

5 Class Pass $105

9 Class pass $180

Yoga Classes: About Us


Wednesday's 6pm

About the class:

Embodied Yin Yogaâ„¢ invites us to explore our multidimensional capacities for healing by

listening and sensing with the whole body-mind. It increases awareness of our mind-body

connection in each dimension and through different somatic approaches, intuitive movement,

classical non-dual tantric philosophy, chinese medicine, the meridians in the body, yin yoga

and yoga nidra. Essentially supporting the whole being to open up safely, release limitations and potential held tensions. 

We will use many props to support the body and plenty of variations will be offered by Petra to meet your needs.


About Petra:


Petra has completed over 1000 hours of Yoga training in various modalities rooted in Hatha Yoga, Embodied Flowâ„¢, Pranayama, Kriya & Meditation and Yoga Nidra since 2008 and trained in Embodied Yinâ„¢ in 2018 with Satu Tuomela founder and creator of Embodied Yinâ„¢ and has been teaching Yin Yoga ever since.

Petra welcomes everyone with a heart warming smile and ensures your safety at all times, offering plenty of modifications, invitations to create subtle movements before fully resting in the Yin postures. She draws her inspirations from mother nature, the animals and the

environment which we are all part of - creating a dialogue with the unspoken through which

she channels what she senses in the room but also channels universal messages, hears and

sees and teaches authentically from that co-created wisdom that is always present.

Sometimes you will be guided with Yoga Nidra into a deep state of relaxation and be blessed

with Mantras, Prayers and sounds of the Tibetan bowl. An offering that is truly close to her

heart, in service on your path to your highest awakened, courageous and embodied self.



Casual Class $25

Class Pass x5 $120

Term Pass $230



Class limited to 10 students

Everything provided, just turn up!



To book or to ask any questions about the class please contact Petra via email or mobile:


0411 010 031


Yoga Classes: About Us
Yoga Classes: About
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